
We (and the animals and plants) can’t wait to see you! 请 review the following important information before visiting.



网上买球十大正规平台85%的空间都在户外 主要是步行体验. 为了您的安全,推荐一个买球网站鼓励您穿好相应的衣服,并有最好的索诺兰沙漠冒险!

Map 推荐一个买球网站鼓励你 下载博物馆地图 参观前.


请 read the following tips to make the most of your experience!




On average, there are 286 sunny days per year in Tucson! 一定要涂上并重新涂抹. 仅供参考:洗手间里有免费的防晒霜!


帽子 & 太阳镜

推荐一个买球网站不希望你看的时候眯着眼睛! Make sure to shade your eyes so you can take in the spectacular desert views.

请 participate the zoowise survey to help make zoos wiser!

计划参观博物馆? 填写调查问卷 (英文版本或Español),告诉推荐一个买球网站你来这里的原因以及你对自然保护学到了什么.


In the desert heat, drink more water than you think you need. 请自带可重复使用的水瓶! 推荐一个买球网站在场地周围有传统的饮水机和非接触式水瓶补充站,可以使用. Bottled and canned water is also available for purchase!



因为博物馆主要是一种步行体验, you’ll definitely want comfortable footwear as your traverse the trails.

网上买球十大正规平台致力于为推荐一个买球网站的动物和植物提供一个自然和丰富的避难所, 和一个干净的, 友好的, entertaining and educational experience for our guests. 推荐一个买球网站的目标是通过培养爱来激励人们与自然和谐相处, 升值, 以及对索诺兰沙漠的了解. The comfort and safety of our guests and animal and plant residents is our top priority.



在所有区域都可以选择戴口罩. 推荐一个买球网站鼓励客人遵循疾病预防控制中心的最新指导,以减轻COVID-19的传播, 并根据个人健康状况和风险水平选择就诊和预防措施.

网上买球十大正规平台85%的空间都在户外 主要是步行体验. 为了您的安全,推荐一个买球网站鼓励您穿好相应的衣服,并有最好的索诺兰沙漠冒险!

大多数游客花2-3小时参观博物馆. 随着推荐一个买球网站的不断发展,有 有更多的东西要看,要做! You could easily spend a whole day here and still have more to see!

是的, manual wheelchairs, strollers, and motorized 摩托车 are available to rent 来自客服部.

Outside food and beverages are not permitted inside the Museum, however there is a picnic ramada available near the front entrance. We are also conveniently located next to picnic areas in Tucson Mountain Park. The Ironwood Terraces Restaurant and Phoebe's café are open daily. 场地周围有传统的饮水机和非接触式水瓶补充站.


As much as we love animals, no pets are allowed on grounds. 只有 服务性动物是允许的.

是的! 请在离开前到客服部. 请注意,博物馆将于下午5点关闭.m.

为了其他客人和动物的安全, 玻璃容器, 武器, 滑板, 摩托车, 自行车, 气球, 吹口哨, and outside food and beverages are not allowed on grounds.

In general, guests may take nonprofessional photos for personal use. 专业摄影师必须坚持推荐一个买球网站摄影的政策.

网上买球十大正规平台很高兴通过提供慈善捐款,为志同道合的非营利组织的成功做出贡献. 你可以在这里申请.

是的! 推荐一个买球网站一直在寻求更多的支持. 请浏览推荐一个买球网站志愿页面 了解更多信息.

请 call Guest Services at 520-883-2702 or e-mail info@8008c.com.


是的. Tickets can be purchased at the front gate, or in advance online.

Currently tickets purchased in advance are date specific, however if you are unable to visit on the date you purchased, 只要联系宾客服务部,推荐一个买球网站将很乐意调整您的预订日期或在必要时为您退款.

If you are unable to visit on the date purchased, please contact Guest Services. We will be happy to adjust your reservation date, or refund your purchase if necessary.

是的. We offer a $2 discount on 一般 Admission for active duty military and retirees. 携带身份证件,以证明你的军人身份,并在前门购票. 每张身份证限2张普通门票. Discount does not apply to youth tickets or other discounted tickets.

是的. We offer a $2 discount on 一般 Admission for seniors ages 65 and over. 携带带照片的身份证件,以验证您的资格,并在前门购买门票.

亚利桑那州和墨西哥索诺拉州的居民有资格获得5美元的普通门票折扣,并提供居住证明. If your photo ID doesn’t reflect your current resident status, 带上带照片的身份证件和最近的一封邮件到你的居住地址,在前门购买门票. Discount does not apply to youth tickets or other discounted tickets.

网上买球十大正规平台适合所有人. 推荐一个买球网站致力于为客人提供一种体验,通过培养爱,激发他们与自然世界和谐相处, 升值, 以及对索诺兰沙漠的了解. 推荐一个买球网站相信每个人都应该能够体验到与自然和野生动物的不可思议的联系, 不考虑经济状况或其他因素. This program allows the Desert Museum to be more accessible to low-income households.

任何持卡人有效, 未过期的亚利桑那州颁发的EBT卡,带有效照片的身份证和最多三(3)额外的个人,折扣价格.

No. EBT卡只能用来表明持卡人有资格享受网上买球十大正规平台的CAP费率. They must use a method that the Museum accepts to pay – cash or credit/debit cards.

Tohono O ' odham和Pascua Yaqui在索诺兰沙漠地区有着丰富多样的历史,与推荐一个买球网站现在居住的土地密切相关. 向美洲所有土著人民免费开放博物馆是对网上买球十大正规平台坐落在土著土地上的持续承认, 最近, Tohono O ' odham.

因为这个机构以区域为重点, access plays a vital role in fostering understanding, 升值, 保护本土文化, 传统, 和语言. 它使部落成员能够与他们的遗产联系起来,并与他人分享他们的知识和经验. 对于印第安人来说, 控制对他们故事的叙述,可以更准确、更包容地描述该地区共同的历史和文化.

此外, 免费入场确保所有美洲原住民都有机会参与ASDM的文化和教育体验. 允许所有印第安人免费入场, 积极促进文化公平, 提高认识, 培养合作关系, 并开始调和历史上的不公正.




绝对! A Gift 会员 may be purchased a few different ways — online, or with a Guest Service Assistant by phone or in-person. Gift 会员s include the same 好处 as a standard Desert Museum membership. They are valid for one year from the date of purchase, 延长到月底.

网上购买, 选择您想要购买的级别,并填写您要为其购买会员资格的人员的信息. 然后一封电子邮件将直接发送给他们. Unfortunately, there is no customization for an online gift membership. If you have any questions, please call Guest Services at 520-883-1380 ext. 7100.

A Desert Museum membership is valid for one-year from the date of purchase, 延长到月底. (Example: A membership purchased on October 1, 2024 will expire on October 31, 2025)

双重或更高级别的网上买球十大正规平台会员可以选择将两个成年人都列入会员名单,或者将第二个成年人列为“客人”.“这允许指定的会员在其会员资格期间每次网上买球十大正规平台时携带任何一个人. 另外, 网上买球十大正规平台会员(不包括学生)包括一次使用的门票,用于客人入场.

网上买球十大正规平台的入场券仅对会员账户上列出的指定会员有效. If you elected the “Guest” option at the time of purchase, 任何一个人都可以和你一起参观博物馆, 或者在有卡的情况下单独使用.

这取决于你的会员级别, 您的会员赠予(减去所接受的商品和服务的公平市场价值)可以被认为是所得税减免的目的. 请 consult your tax professional for guidance in making final determinations.

While we are proud to be an AZA (Association of Zoos & 水族馆)认可的组织, 网上买球十大正规平台目前不参与AZA互惠计划,也不向其他机构提供互惠福利.

指定成人会员的子女和孙辈(17岁及以下)包括在家庭或更高类别的网上买球十大正规平台会员中. 青少年必须有一名成人陪同. 看到 网上买球十大正规平台会员资格 page for additional information regarding membership categories & 好处.

当然! 只需在酒店前露台的售票处出示带照片的身份证件,宾客服务助理将很乐意验证您的会员资格,并根据您的要求打印一张替换卡. 在更换卡后,您以前签发的卡将不再有效.

是的! 推荐一个买球网站认为你会喜欢成为推荐一个买球网站狼群的一员, but we understand if you want to see for yourself before joining. 您可以在参观当天用门票的费用购买会员资格. The number of tickets that may be applied depends on the membership category.

Student / Individual: Apply up to 1 adult admission ticket.


Family / Turquoise / Copper / Silver / Gold: Apply up to 2 adult & 青少年门票2张.


Retrieved from the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum web site on 10-02-2024